Mississippi River Natchez Gauge – Record Days Over Flood Stage UPDATED July 7, 2019
2019 will be a record for the last 80 years, possibly in modern times, for flood stage water in the Lower Mississippi River. Flood stage at the Natchez gauge is 48 ft. Chart 1 shows the years with the largest number of days over flood stage at Natchez since 1940.
Chart 1
Chart 2 shows the years since 1950 with a relative measure of the most water over flood stage. This chart is derived by taking each day’s measurement of water 48 feet or higher at Natchez and summing those for each year. For example, a day with the water at 47.7 ft. would add zero (0) while a day at 48.5 ft. would add 0.5 ft. A day at 51 ft. would add 3 ft.
Chart 2
Other locations for comparison.
Gauge Location Days above Flood Stage, July 7, 2019
Natchez 185
Baton Rouge 182
Greenville 141
Vicksburg 154
New Orleans, Carrollton 2
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