Kemper Plant
The Kemper County Lignite Plant is a cancer in Mississippi's economy. Bigger Pie has done an extensive body of work regarding the Kemper Plant through the years. From the beginning, the plant's additional capacity was not needed. For years, the building of this plant soared over budget and time constraints ending up costing over $7 billion and 7 years to construct a plant which ultimately did not work.
Featured Work
The PSC and the MRC
What do the Mississippi Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) have in common? Both have presided over multi-billion dollar project failures.
Trump, Kemper, and Mississippi Floods
What do Donald Trump, the Kemper County Lignite Plant, and Mississippi River floods have in common? The Overton Window explains all three. Yeh, sure. What’s the Overton Window?