Health Care
Bigger Pie Forum promotes health policy reforms that empower patients and consumers by encouraging competition, transparency, accountability, and innovation. Our goal is a 21st century health care marketplace that better utilizes technology and new business models to offer consumers more accessible, higher quality care at a more affordable price.
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Our Lying Eyes
Groucho Marx, when caught in a compromised condition, retorted: “Who you gonna believe — me or your lying eyes?” Although Chico may have actually said it first, it’s attributed to Groucho. And that has become the popular narrative. So it’s become the truth. Kind of like “deaths with COVID-19” have become “deaths from COVID-19” as the coronavirus pandemic has grown. And “positive tests for COVID-19” have become “COVID-19 cases.”
Nocebos and Mass Hysteria
A nocebo effect is the opposite of a placebo effect. A placebo makes you get well because you think you will. A nocebo makes you get sick because you think you will. Both work if you believe authority figures (doctors and experts) who say they work. The mechanism is imaginary or psychological. But the effects are real and physiological.
Doctor or Politician?
A recent analysis of CDC data by Johns Hopkins’ Dr. Genevieve Briand shows that increased deaths “involving” COVID-19 are offset by decreased deaths due to other causes. She finds that total deaths from all causes have not increased due to the virus.
For Every Action
The Lyndon B. Johnson Administration (1963 – 1969), represented the blow-off or peak strength of the 40-year U.S. political and legislative shift to the left that had begun with the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration (1933-1945). Whether it ends in 2021 or 2025, the Donald J. Trump Administration represents the blow-off or peak strength of the 50-year U.S.
Dr. Fauci’s Faulty Theories
“In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.” Yogi Berra was right. Presidential adviser Dr. Fauci is wrong.
Asphidity Bags vs Face Masks
My grandmothers were born in the late 1800’s. They might have worn asphidity bags filled with smelly herbs to ward off colds and other diseases. Many rural folk did then. Some accounts say asphidity bags were used to ward off the Spanish Flu. So were face masks. They may have saved some lives. Who knows?