Health Care
Bigger Pie Forum promotes health policy reforms that empower patients and consumers by encouraging competition, transparency, accountability, and innovation. Our goal is a 21st century health care marketplace that better utilizes technology and new business models to offer consumers more accessible, higher quality care at a more affordable price.
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Making Sense of Experts’ Nonsense
It’s not uncommon for experts to disagree. That’s why you get second opinions. Or should. If you need reminding, look at the conflicting admonitions, confusing advice about, and disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns experts advocated. And at the cynical exploitation of their bad advice to advance political narratives.
Bogus Numbers vs Bogus Narrative
The COVID-19 narrative is that we barely escaped national disaster thanks to government ordered lockdowns — which shouldn’t be lifted too soon. It says the lockdowns prevented about 2.1 million deaths vs 2.2 million predicted. But it’s obvious the numbers don’t match the narrative.
The Voice of God
Popular blogger Glen Reynolds recently said: “If you speak with the Unchallengeable Voice of God, and then you change your mind and speak again with the Unchallengeable Voice of God, people will notice.”
Life After Mass Transit – Save Your Life and Drive a Car
The Coronavirus has disrupted just about everything, but few things as much as transportation networks in and around big metropolitan areas. The global pandemic could be a back breaker for these mass transit systems and the authorities that run them.
COVID-19 and Dirty Harry
A man needs to know his limitations. Good advice from Clint Eastwood’s “Dirty” Harry Callahan character who gave it to various over-matched villains he dispatched. It also applies to Government Man who listens to Sky-Is-Falling Man and tries to fix the unfixable. And makes it worse.
Death Counts and Mistrust
Lies today are intended to exaggerate the COVID-19 epidemic and create panic and political opportunities. Some politicians see this as an opportunity to “fundamentally transform America.” Loss of freedom is a near thing.